Online Money Earning

This is the first time is possible for me to write this topics. If you want to earn money from home to Online...................................

What's the process?

Forex Market

Forex Market means Foreign Exchange. It is the trade market means one kind of share market, but not to same share market. Hear you can buy or sale share after one second. First you register this side for a live account, then deposit money , then you can trade. Every Saturday and Sunday  close day this market.

Online Academy

:Online Academy: 
Md. Zakir Hosain (Mitu Moni)
B.Sc. in CSE, CCNA, Develop E-commerce website without Programming using Virtue mart, LLB and LLM.
N:B: Now I am junior ship Advocate Dhaka Judge court (Any body face any problem please contract me and also come to me any work for High Court Division).
                 Skype: csezakir

“ Basic Law ”

Hear you can take knowledge and basic tip for law. Hear I discuss subject wise law. Actually I include this topic half for people. Because many people don't know what the process solve this problem and what is the right. Lets see -

Share Market and Newspaper

Share Market: 
              We know our half of population connect this market. So, If you want to know every day news about share market, please go this way - 

Online Shopping

You can buy anything from home. You can make a business center or make a mega shopping shop help those side. It is vary easy how to start  business or buy product. Those side are 100% safe for money transaction. 

Networking (CCNA)

Networking is a very interesting think.  If you want to learn networking please follow this process. CCNA is top course of networking.  CCNA is an International vendor course. It have four(4) modules . You lesson carefully and parties more and more.

Coffee House (Friends)

We are study together. When you fell along or need for half any friend see this list. Given below list of friends-


You completed your graduation or degree or any other else. Now you are looking a good job. Please visit those Side ----

Free Enjoy

This way you can see your home or any other place in the world. If you want to see earth in home or from any other place to see your home. Join this side-
Throw Messages from Computer:
            This side you can use free. This way you can sand massage any mobile from computer. Interesting thing is, this massage sow your mobile number. When you fill up form that time must input a valid mobile number. So, not west your time, join this side -         

Other Important

Graphic Design:

               I think Graphic Design is most important subject for people , because this way you can design a beautiful graphic. The best design house name design agency Nottingham. Graphic Design work is very popular in the world. This way you can earn lots of money. So if you want to learn Graphic Design go this way –

Free Storage Online:

SponsoredTweets referral badge

  1 GB extra storage Free for successfully signs up. Like as song, picture, file etc. 
  Process are very easy at first create a account and log in. If you want save a file or picture or any other else, first log in then click store then click Get APP then click Go to App then edit and save or then All then Favs then Profile ….. then save. 
  So go this way